Range Extender Zi
Zigbee manages your automations.Range Extender Zi manages Zigbee.
Modern Smart Homes do not depend on expensive wires. They are wireless. That means, just like Wi-Fi or 4G, there are areas where the signal may not be optimal. Our Range Extender Zi fixes wireless weaknesses. Install the extender in a standard wall outlet, connect it to your gateway and the Range Extender Zi will start to optimize your Zigbee powered smart home. Thanks to it’s specialized antenna it repeats and amplifies Zigbee radio signals.
The Extender has up to 100m signal range and uses the latest Zigbee technology to let dead spots in your smart home be dead.
Expand the range of your Aeotec SmartThings network
Repeats and amplifies Zigbee signals up to 100m
Plug and play, fits into all standard outlets

Range Extender Zi is fully Zigbee 3.0 and Works with SmartThings certified. It can be connected to most of the Zigbee empowered solutions like SmartThings or Homeassistant. Together with our Aeotec SmartThings products it perfects the smart home.
All Antenna. All Optimisation.
Zigbee devices that plug into a power outlet typically include some kind of repeater technology which can lead to some installers using a Zigbee smart plug instead of a dedicated repeater. But not all repeaters are born equal.

For more information on Range Extender Zi:

Control doesn`t stop here.
Aeotec’s range of intelligent, automation controllers doesn’t end with Range Extender 7. From smart plugs to wireless wall switches, it’s a range that keeps you in control and ensures that automation systems are always an intelligent enhancement.